Saturday, January 3, 2009

Blogging in Class???

Welcome to the City High Class of 2010 (Trimester 2) Graduation Project Blog!

Before you get started, you should learn something about this blogging business.

1. Read the New York Times article about blogging, "
For Some, the Blogging Never Stops".

2. With the person next to you, answer the following 8 questions on a separate word document. Answer in complete sentences.
  • What is blogging, according to the article?

  • How many blogs has the blog-tracking company, Technorati, counted?

  • What percentage of online users uses blogs, according to Jupiter Research?

  • What reason does Richard Wiggins give for writing blogs?

  • How does Scott Lederer justify the time he spends blogging?

  • What does Jeff Jarvis mean by "the obligation to blog"?

  • According to Barabara Quint, what is it about blogging that makes it more attractive than cash?

  • What are some of the pitfalls to frequent blogging?

3. Independently: Answer the following questions and post them as comments to this post:

  • Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?

  • What makes another person's blog worth reading?

  • By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide, and why?


  1. 1. I think that constant blogging shows a sign of unhealthy behavior, only because its not that important, because sometimes blogs can be dangerous only because some materials can be offencive to some poeple.
    2. It has to have something to do with something you are interested in.
    3. That everything should be PG13 or things that arent offencive to everyone.

  2. 1.)I think that constant blogging is a littile on the obsesive side of life.

    2.) A person blog is worth reaiding if the the reading is intresting and not just about daily life

    3.) I think that the only rule should be to keep it apropriate.

  3. 1. i think it is unhealhty to be bloging all the time

    2. if you dont know what is going on you can read a blog in then youl know

    3.they need to get off the laptop

  4. 1. No I don’t think so because some people like to share information about themselves and if that’s what they want to do than they should do it. It could be a hobby not an unhealthy obsession.
    2. The things they put in it, unless you’re a nosy person. Some posts if there is a good topic are worth reading.
    3. Courtesy rules and etiquette.

  5. 1. I think constant blogging does indicate signs of an unhealthy obsession because after a while you will become addicted to it and lose all intrest in everything else.

    2. Something that might make another persons blog worth reading would be if they wrote something that interests you. You might also want to read it if they blogged about something that might affect you.

    3. Other bloggers should probably keep their blogs withih the PG13 rating.

  6. Blogging could indicate signs of unhealthy obsession but only if people abuse it. It depends on the person because it can be used to pass an hour or two but when it becomes a routine and something someone feels compelled to do everyday, that is when it becomes unhealthy.

    You can't really determine what makes someone's blog worth reading. Different people blog about different things may it be about their feelings or different topics a group of people are interested in. It seems impossible to determine what should or shouldn't be read considering what someone would find interesting and another may find boring.

    Certain rules that fellow bloggers should abide by are not to become obsessed with blogging. It may help past the time but no one should ever blog for hours on end everyday. In addition, bloggers shouldn't neglect the things that need to be taken care so they can blog. People's jobs and families shoulnd't be put to the side to blog about various topics. Blogging will most likely always be there so people should take care of their business first and then blog.

  7. 1) Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?

    I personal believe that blogging can become an unhealthy obsession depending on the person and the amount of time spent blogging however, I do believe that it is a harmless spirited past time and can become just the opposite from unhealthy because it is a way for a person to feel free to express things that they may have a problem expressing verbally. It also has the power to help people voice their opinions about something they would feel intimidated about. It’s an easy stepping stone towards building a high self-esteem.

    2) What makes another person's blog worth reading?

    There are many different things that make a person’s worth reading, but I think the most important thing is that the person who is blogging is blogging about something interesting and has a strong opinion towards it. I also think blogs have to be somewhat entertaining only to keep the reader’s attention and maybe to draw readers.

    3) By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide, and why?

    I don’t really think that there should be any “rules” for a blog, other than the normal safety rules. I look at a blog as someone’s personal diary that they don’t mind sharing with the world and occasionally conversating about with another person. However, others may think that people should have some restrictions that come along with what they say. I also think that it depends on who is sponsoring the blog, or what the blog is created for. Take the blog we created today in class for example, students have “restrictions or caveats” that I think are very appropriate.

  8. 1) I don't think constant blogging indicates unhealthy obsession. It means that you have a lot of time on your hands. It's a good outlet to get your feeling out and let your voice be heard.

    2) For me to read someone elses blog it has to be interesting.

    3) I think there are any rules for them to abide by besides not to be judgemental.

  9. Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?
    It depends on the person, if this person is always blogging about everything and anything, i feel that it is unhealthy. But, if they are posting occasionaly, or just letting out frustration, then i feel that it is harmless.

    What makes another person's blog worth reading?
    Their experiences, what they are going through, how they dealt with it, and how they feel about. Trying to relate youself to that situation, and what you would have done there, and how you would have felt. It's like having another friend who you can relate too.

    By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide, and why?
    Personaly, I feel that a blog is like an online diary, really you should tell how you feel, and if someone is upset you should handle it maturly, and talk it out with them.

  10. ~ I think that blogging because an unhealthy obsession when your on your computer for 4 hours blogging and are starting to neglect your reponsibilities. It also is bad when you need to blog and you start to feel "wrong" because you cant do it.

    ~ In order for a blog to be readable, it has to be interesting. I cant just be some weirdo ranting about just anything. I think there needs to be a point.

    ~ The only rules that bloggers need is to be respectful and kind. If your going to comment about someones feelings, dont be rude. If your blogging about something or someone, you need to be respectful of them

  11. 1. I think that you can constantly blog to a certain extent without it being considered obsessive. If you are on a trip, and want to blog as often as you can, it's understandable. But if you start to choose blogging over regular activities, such as just eating, sleeping, or doing things you would normally do, then it is obsessive.

    2. Cetain things that would make me read another person's blog is if it is interesting, such as if it was from a vacation or something they experienced, or an interesting topic. I would not read someone's blog if it is mean towards someone else or if it written poorly (such as bad grammar or spelling.)

    3. When people blog, they should first be considerate of others that they are either writing about or who is going to read it. Also, they should not include anything inappropriate, pointless, or any other unnecessary topics.

  12. I think that constant blogging is a sign of obsession especially if you're missing other important activities in your life like work, family, and friends. If the reason you're blogging is to let something off of your chest you should probably just talk to someone in person. The reason I feel as if blogging isn't healthy is because it's not real human interaction and if you can't talk about it in person, and you have to go online to find someone to vent to, it's probably not the best thing for you.

    I think what makes another person's blog worth reading is when you know that person or think their interesting because then you want to know what's going on in their life. Also if something their blogging about will have an influence on you, you would be interested in that.

    I don't really think that there should be rules to blogging, I mean maybe for school sure, but not if it's your personal choice to blog. The whole reason for blogging is to vent, and you should speak what you want to say that way you feel better.

  13. 1. I think that to much blogging is obessesive to a certain point it depends if you do it for work or school or just do it in general.

    2. Another person blog is only worth reading if it interest you or is something that you must do for school or work.

    3. When people blog they should know the audience that they are blogging to and not have anything not worth looking at.

  14. 1. I think that constant blogging shows that you have an unhealthy obsession. If you waste your days telling people all about your life, and you do it everyday and more then once a day, then you pretty much are obseesd with blogging.

    2. I like to read other people's blog when they're really interesting or funny. It's nice to read the gossip from other people's lives. If you just blog non sense then no one will read it, because no one really carese about whats going on in some strangers life.

    3. Theres only a few rules they should follow. The should keep the things they say appropiate and they shouldn't post things that really no one else but themselves wants to read.

  15. >I dont think that bolgging is a sign of obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime. I actually think that blogging is a great way of spending some of your time. To me blogging is a healthy way of getting your mind going right and a chance to also learn new things from different people, it is a chance to open yourself and become more open and friendly.
    > What makes another persons blog worth reading may be their topic or maybe just the person, or even if you need help with what they are doing. its an intresting way of getitng organized in many ways.

  16. 1. I think that excesive blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obession. Whenever a person is controlled by something, exhibiting no signs or intentions of relent of any kind, then it becomes an addiction. Addictions are common, some even harmless but when it causes destructive behaiors and regulates almost all aspects of a person's life, I believe that is when it is time to stop and seek immediate help.

    2. I honestly don't know what makes a blog worth reading. I guess it depends on what you are interested in and what you enjoy reading about. When put that way, I guess everyone's blog is worth reading beacause there is always someone intrigued by a topic, therefore there will always be someone willing to read, even if it is solely that one person.

    3. I do not think there should be rules or guilines for bloggers to follow or abide by. Blog however you want to, blog about whatever you want to. The whole purpose of a blog is self expression. How can one express themself freely with restrictions and contraints? Creativity is not something that can be regulated.

  17. 1. I think that constant blogging is a unhealthy obsession because it might like be a addiction to you and then it would make you not live your life.
    2. If it relates to me then I would probley read it.
    3. not to say bad word because it might be wrong.

  18. 1) No, I think it is a way for people to share their ideas and values

    2) The things they might have to say, and the passion that they have for the certain subject they are writing about.

    3) Not to write anything inapprobiate

  19. It is unhealthy to blog too much. If you're loosing people over it like the people in the article, then you should stop.

    Another person's blog has to be interesting in order for people to want to read it. By interesting, it could be funny, or what the person writes could relate to them. But if it's boring, nobody will want to read it.

    I didn't know blogging had rules. I would guess that they would be not to give out your personal information, so psychos don't come find you...and be nice?

  20. 1. no i don't think blogging is unhealthy because it helps people get stuff off their chest and a lot of times doing that is a good way to avoid having mental problems.

    2.what makes another person's blog worth reading if they blog about something you are interested in or want to learn more about.

    3. i think that bloggers need to abide by not posting anything that is inapprobiate like pictures or blackmail on someone

  21. 1. Consistent blogging to me seems like it would be an unhealthy behavior because it could stop you from interacting with people who care about you and you posting thing that some people that read your blog (if any) really care.

    2. What make other people blog’s worth reading is that you can read about how someone is doing or may find out how to handle a problem with the experience of another person. It could also be interesting to see how other people live out their daily lives.

    3. Fellow bloggers shouldn’t give out personal information or blog about inappropriate tings because that could make other people uncomfortable with blogging and could stop others form participating. This will make blogging safe as it is fun.

  22. 1.Well no i don't think blogging is bad because when i blog i feel calm and relax.

    2.The heading of their blog. If the heading is interesting then it would catch my eyes.

    3.No That everyone is looking at your blog because everyone is looking at it.

  23. - Yes, I do think constant blogging could sings of an unhealthy obession or a harmless, spirited pastime becasue you could become so attached to bloging that you lost tracked of time and you keep doing it over and over until it becomes one of your main hobbles in you life.

    - I think if the blog is good or can catch you attention then it is worth reading becasue it may be interesting.

    - Not to put anything that could be harmful to me or anyone else, any personal business they don't want the whole world to know about on their blog sites.

  24. 1) Yes it's bad for you because c'mon it's the internet. Who just wastes their life just posting blogs and waiting for people's feedback? That's so dumb it's a pointless waste of time.

    2) I would only read someone's blog if i was looking for help with something or how to do something. But it's also acceptable to read something if it's on an interesting topic.

    3) Rules lol? Forget rules it's the internet. People can talk about whatever they want idc. Why should i care? Blogs would be pointless if there were rules.

  25. -I think if you blog all the time it is unhealthy

    - A person blog is worth reading if there bloging on somthing interesting topic

  26. Do you think constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime? Why?

    Yes, I think that constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession or a harmless, spirited pastime. From reading the article "For Some, the Blogging Never Stops" (The New York Times) talking people and their different situations with blogging. Some people who blog become addicted to it. In my own opinion is that anything you can become addicted can be unhealthy in any way.

    In some of those person I have read about could be messing with their families, jobs, and ext. For a father or a mother, sisters, brother, cousin should not sit at home on the computer blogging all night because it might affect that family and make the family distant from each other. That would be unhealthy for the family.

    I also read about a person who would rather blog than to get paid for writing and article for a newspaper. People would rather blog than to make money. That person who would rather blog than make money could not only lose a job, but without a job you can’t receive your income so that takes away from your home life. You can’t pay for your home, utilities, food and personal hygiene. That would be unhealthy to yourself because you could become a bum on the streets. Just because you they would rather blog.

    What makes another person's blog worth reading?

    Other person’s blog are worth reading because you have the ability get to see how other live there life, and their thoughts about the different things that go on. To some it like you in your own world, and you can imagine who this person is, what they may look like and other things. You can see others personalities.

    By what "rules" do you think fellow bloggers should abide, and why?

    o Don’t put personal information onto your blog. {Full name, Address, and or phone number.}

     That is your personal information, it would just be for safety reasons.

    o Also don’t put any sexual context onto your blog.

     You never know who would be reading your blogs. You don’t want a young age boy or girl to be reading anything sexual. Or seeing anything they should not be seeing.

  27. If someone enjoys blogging and they have nothing better to do who cares?

    Another persons blog is worth reading in the rare case that it has something interesting to say.

    A good rule would be not to give out any personal information like where you live to avoid sexual predators.

  28. I think that constant blogging is not unhealthy obsession because it just like having a journal, where you share your thoughts and feelings on life or about a certain topic.
    Another persons blog is worth reading if it's about an interesting topic, reading long blogs is boring, reading short blogs are more interesting and get straight to the point
    They should maintain school appropriate language.

  29. 1.I do believe blogging all the time is unhealthy. The reason is that you will start worrying to much about blogging that you will stop what your doing to blog. Or it can even affect your life with relatives, close friends, or even loved ones.

    2. The thing that might make another person's blog wroth reading is if it interest you.

    3. Bloggers should not put anything inapropriate or that is to personal.

  30. Yes, I do believe that blogging indicates unhealthy behavior .If a person blogs all the time it indicates they have too much time on their hands. People read other peoples blogs to see how there day is going or just trying to be in their business. The number one rule for bloggers should be respectful to all bloggers.

  31. I think that constant blogging can be a very bad habit. Recording your life is an interesting idea dont get me wrong. But people that tell every detail is just odd to me.

    And if the topic is interesting to me. And relflects something of my own interest than I would give it a read. But if it were like someones journal or something like that it wouldnt catch me attention at all.

    Well a blog is where you speak freeling about opinions and your life. Should there be any rules in this. You go there to express yourself in writing. Should rules hold you back. I think the normal rules of conversation should apply

  32. 1.) It may be signs of an unhealthy obsession to constantly blog into the late hours of the night. Some might use blogging as a type of journal to where they can talk to themselves and "get things off their chest" but there is always a limit to how much time one should be spending on things such as blogging. It goes along with the usual signs of an obsession of feeling compelled to do so or only thinking of such things.

    2.) What i believe to be a blog that is worth reading is a blog with more then the usual "This is what i did today" type of comment's. I think that blogs should be tools used to allow for a broader access to knowledge such as people streamlining how to accomplish a task or provide useful links in the blog so on a certain subject. The blog would also have to be focused around a relatively similar spectrum of ideas such as tech. or literature.

    3.) Rules should not truthfully apply to blogs in my opinion blogs are something that can be used for a multitude of purposes. as previously stated for things like information but not limited to such. it can be anything that the blogger desires if the only reason to have a blog is to chat with "yourself" by using it as a journal then who are we to say that you should not be allowed to have things as such? There are many, many, instances where people have used blogs to allow for entertainment either with comics strips, links to youtube videos they found interesting/useful, sites that were entertaining. so there should be no true rules as to what a person may blog about.

  33. 1. I think it all depends on the person. For some it can be an unhealthy addiction while for others it is just a way to pass time when there's nothing else to do. As long as you are not letting it get in the way of your family, friends, work, school, etc. it's okay.

    2. If the blog has some humor, the writing is good and the topic is one that interests you, I think it's worth reading.

    3. They should not insult each others posts and not write about explicit topics.

  34. 1. “Weldon seniors shine for judges - give project presentations”

    • The requirements that some of the students mentioned in this article were choosing a topic and researching it, finding a mentor related to this topic, completing a research paper and presentation, and then creating a product relating to their topic. This is very similar to our project but we don’t have to get a mentor and their product is more like our action.
    • One of the students to his project past the research component by giving a massage to the judges. His topic was on massage therapy and during his presentation he gave the judges and his mentor a massage. While another student had a topic on early childhood education and she got involved by working with children.
    • One of the projects from the first article was massage therapy and some steps probably were:
    o Research the topic and find a mentor in his area
    o Talk to his mentor about what he wants his project to be about
    o Research everything about massage therapy
     What it really does or how it really works?
     Why people get massages?
     And other good questions
    o Design a proposal and write a research report on everything he found
    o Create a presentation and brainstorm ideas for his product
    o Practice massaging, which was his product
    o Present his project.
    • One of the main ideas portrayed in this article was to stay focused. This helps me think about my project, and that whatever I do it should be interesting so that I don’t get bored and lose focus.

    2. “Senior projects open windows”

    • The requirements listed in this article were that the student had to do research relating to his topic, find a mentor in their area, doing the project and then presenting it in front of the panel. This is also very similar to our graduation project, except in this case they got to decide whether of not they wanted to do it.
    • The student in this article took his project past just research by actually refurbishing a motorcycle. It took him a long time to get the old thing running like new, but he did it, with the help of his mentor.
    • Some steps that this student took could have been:
    o Research the topic and find a mentor in his area
    o Talk to his mentor on what needs to be done and what he wants to do.
    o Research everything about his project
    o Complete the refurbishing of the motorcycle.
    o Create a presentation.
    o Present his project.
    • The only idea conveyed in this article that is going to help me is that to make sure you pick something that you really like to do. Not only will it make the whole process easier, but it’d make it fun and interesting so that you stay focused.

    3. “A Passion for Projects: Students Have a Voice -- and a Choice”

    • The requirements from this article where to pick a project, research it, find a mentor, make a presentation and something to go a long with it like a video or pictures, and then present it in front of a panel. This is very similar to our own graduation project except that we don’t really get a mentor.
    • They didn’t really talk about one project in particular, but it did mention a few, without many details. It said that one student made an engine out of Plexiglas, and actually creating it took his project past just researching.
    • Since they didn’t mention one specific project, there really can’t be any brainstorming done of what they did for this article. Although, they didn’t list a project, I’m sure if they did, the requirements would have been the same.
    • The only idea shown in this article that is going to help me is that to make sure you pick something that you’re really passionate about and that will keep you interested in it.

  35. What is blogging, according to the articles?
    Blogging is a pastime for many, even a livelihood for a few. For some, it becomes an obsession. Such bloggers often feel compelled to write several times daily and feel anxious if they don't keep up.
    How many blogs has the blog-tracking company, Technorati, counted?
    The number of bloggers has grown quickly, thanks to sites like, which makes it easy to set up a blog. Technorati, a blog-tracking service, has counted some 2.5 million blogs.
    What percentage of online users uses blogs, according to Jupiter Research?
    4 percent
    What reason does Richard Wiggins give for writing blogs?
    His reason is that he just getting stuff off his chest
    How does Scott Lederer justify the time he spends blogging ?
    Scott Lederer, 31, a fellow graduate student with Mr. Hall, has a collective feel to it. You feel like you're participating in something important, because we're all doing it together.
    What does Jeff Jarvis mean by “the obligation to blog” ?
    He is basically mean that it is his duty to blog it feel like a job to him to blog.
    According to Barabara Quint, what is it about blogging that makes it more attractive than cash?
    The Web's illusion of immortality is sometimes more attractive than actual cash.
    What are some of the pitfalls of frequent blogging?

  36. I think that constant blogging indicates signs of an unhealthy obsession because you never know whose on the internet these days and you might not want people to know all your information and it depends on how many times you blog a day because it could mess up your social life and relationships. But blogging can also be a good thing because it can get your feeling out of the way if you’re a shy person can doesn’t like put across your feelings with other people.
    I think people blog about their feelings or what they’re interested in at the time or like our class is doing you may be blogging about a subject that can be educational or something that has affected you .
    I think the rules of blogging should be respect people’s opinions because and don’t be judgmental of peoples topics because some people might not like you opinion.

  37. 1. The first thing I saw was that they work on their projects through their English and we don’t because we work on it through are research class. Well Chapman was doing his grad project on massage and he ending up giving the judges massages that so that you went beyond research and became involved. I think that the step were simple that he followed because all he did was give the judges massage. The only thing that I got from this article was to mange my time on the project.

    2. The first thing I thought was the, this person is smart because he restored a motorcycle. He restored a motorcycle and that shows that he went beyond the research. First he had to find a bike then he had to restore it and then he had to write about what he did. The thing that I got from it was that you can build something and that can be your project.

  38. 1. What is blogging, according to the article?
    According to the article a blog seems to be like an online journal that people can become literally addicted to.
    2. How many blogs has the blog-tracking company, Technorati, counted?
    The number of blogs Technorati has counted 2.5 million blogs.
    3. What percentage of online users uses blogs, according to Jupiter Research
    The percentage found was only about 4% of online users actually use blogs.
    4. What reasons does Richard Wiggins give for writing blogs.
    Mr. Wiggins states that he writes blogs to get things off his chest.
    5. How does Scott Lederer justify the time he spends blogging.
    Scott states that “You feel like you're participating in something important, because we're all doing it together.” I’m assuming that he says it’s not a problem, but that it is a righteous cause and that people do it for the sake of more than just themselves.
    6. What does Jeff Jarvis mean by “the obligation to blog”?
    Jeff meaning by this statement is that. Bloggers feel the essential need to have to post.
    7. According to Barabara Quint, what is it about blogging that makes it more attractive then cash?
    What makes blogging essentially more attractive is the human phenomenon of immortality.
    8. What are some of the pitfalls to frequent blogging?
    The main pitfalls of frequent blogging. Will have to be problems such as possible addiction, lost touch of reality, and the actual neglect of a "real" personal life.
