Thursday, January 8, 2009

Projects to read about... What did they do?

Read the 3 articles listed below, and as you read, look for details to help you answer the following questions:

  • List the project requirements that the students mentioned in these articles had to meet. Compare them to our project.

  • How have the students taken their projects beyond the “research” component to become actively involved?

  • Focus on one project from the articles – “brainstorm” a list of the various steps/components that the student probably had to complete to reach the point of presentation.

  • There are many ideas/concepts conveyed in these articles, which ideas are offered might help your thinking and/or planning of your project?

  • Refer to the handouts in your folder to help you.

  • Post your responses and comments to these articles on the class blog in complete sentences and paragraphs – consider using Microsoft Word to help you correct your spelling/grammar.

  1. “Weldon seniors shine for judges - give project presentations”

  2. “Senior projects open windows”

  3. “A Passion for Projects: Students Have a Voice -- and a Choice”


  1. Vincent Sciarretti
    1. List the project requirements that the students mentioned in these articles had to meet. Compare them to our project. The student must complete a project that includes a research paper, a display board about the topic, a presentation before judges and the creation of a product that relates to their topic. There requirements are almost the same.

    2. How have the students taken their projects beyond the “research” component to become actively involved? The student gave a Massage on his mentor. The student has taken a class just for his senior project.

    3. Focus on one project from the articles – “brainstorm” a list of the various steps/components that the student probably had to complete to reach the point of presentation. The student had to stay on task. So he can continue with his project.

    4. There are many ideas/concepts conveyed in these articles, which ideas are offered might help your thinking and/or planning of your project?
    You must keep an open mind at all times because your first pick might not end up right so you can have a backup plan.

  2. Some students had a certain amount of time to be spent. The student at Wood River had to spend at least 25 hours on the project and he was so passionate about the subject that he spent over 80 hours on it. We dont have a certain time frame to work on our projects because it is over a course of a year. DiShawn, instead of just doing the project and the research on her project which was early stages of education, actually worked with the children. She showed her passion. Im choosing the article that talked about Jubal Brown and the reconstruction of a motorcycle. The steps and process that preceded his project were probably that he had to read up on the construction of bikes. Where everything went and how everything worked. He may have watched tutorials on how to take a bike apart to get a brief synopsis of what to do. Since that was his project thats all he really had to do. Looking at these projects made me see that i should really make sure i choose something i have a passion for and not something that is easy or that a teacher thinks would be good for me. I must be driven and turn everything in on time and put the effort i need to into it.

  3. 1. In the first article, students much choose a topic, write a research paper, create a display board, create a product relating to their topic, and then present their project to a panel. They also are required to have a local mentor help them learn information about their specific topic. The students in the second article were also required to have a local mentor and presenting a topic to a panel. At one school mentioned in the third article, use of technology is required as part of their culminating projects, including presenting videos and a PowerPoint.

    2. The first step that Donald Chapman had to take for his graduation project was to choose a topic. Although he originally chose brick masonry, but because he couldn’t find a local mentor, chose massage therapy instead. The next step would be choosing a mentor and learning how to perform massage therapy, including the different techniques involved. Next, he had to create a research paper and a display board about massage therapy. His mentor helped him with his product since he performed massages on the judges and his mentor, explaining what he was doing. The product was shown during the presentation, the last step of the project.

    3. All of the examples of projects in the articles were something that the student was highly interested in, such as a career field or hobby. If you show a great interest in your topic, you’re more likely to complete it and to do it well. I know now that I should make sure that the topic I choose is of high interest to me, so that I can be sure I will enjoy completing my project and complete it on time. Also, in the third article it talks about how technology is a requirement for their projects, especially since students use it on a day-to-day basis. I want to try to use as much technology I can for my project, that way, it will be easier to understand and a lot more interesting.

  4. 1. Compared to other schools and how they do their projects, there are many similarities to City High’s. In all of the article, the Senior or Graduation project was required for each student to complete before they could graduate. In addition, students have to find their topic, research it, display and present their project to a panel. In other cases, students must also demonstrate why they are prepared to graduate from high school in their presentations. Moreover, some students are encouraged to find supportive mentors that are familiar with their topic that will help them with their projects.

    2. Students have become actively involved into their projects by not just doing their research but placing what they have learned and doing some kind of an action. On student, Jubal Brown, rebuilt and entire motorcycle from getting the parts for it to spending 87 hours and 20 minutes on it when the minimum requirement was 25 hours. Another student, Steven Brickell, was interested in embalming and made a video of him embalming a dog. Brickell said at his presentation that he was strongly thinking about going into the funeral business. The students take what they are interested in and go so deep into their work that their outcome goes a long stretch.

    3. In Stephen Brickell’s project the steps he would have to take to reach the point of presentation would be
    1. Find his topic of interest which he found was embalming and the Funeral Business.
    2. Brickell would have to engage in his research to understand what embalming is and all that one would need to know about the topic before starting the actual practice so he could be completely knowledgeable on the subject. This could also be a time where he finds his mentor and conducts his video on embalming a dog.
    3. Brickell would then need to have a design his project so he could propose his idea and have his layout confirmed.
    4. Afterwards, Stephen would need to start to actually design his project and put it into production. Along with this he would start gathering his setup for his presentation.
    5. Finally, Brickell would present his project to his panel showing his video and talking about his research and explain what he has done and how it has influenced him.

    4. The main ideas and concepts in the articles are being passionate about the project a student chooses and the personal growth the student reaches as the project grows. Each article stresses the importance of making sure the project a student chooses is something he/she is really serious about and wants to go far with it. Other concepts that were stated are to be patient and stay motivated throughout the project which may also tie into making sure it is really what the person wants to do.

  5. • List the project requirements that the students mentioned in these articles had to meet. Compare them to our project.
    -Surprisingly there are many students that have similar requirements to city high students working on their grad projects. Some of the different requirements mentioned included spending 85 hours on a materialistic item relating to their project and presenting it to their panel, a research paper and display board also has to be completed with the project, students must choose a topic that interest them, and students must work with a mentor from the community who was considered a “expert” in their field to help them better understand.
    -Though some of these requirements are similar to city high, none of the articles relate the most to city high other than the third article “A passion for Project: students have a voice and choice.” The similarity is so close that it would give someone the impression that our requirements for the graduation projects were adjusted to fit the specific ideas and criteria’s mentioned.
    • How have the students taken their projects beyond the “research” component to become actively involved?
    -Some student’s at Weldon high school along with another at Wood River high school have kind of gone beyond the “research” component by actively getting involved with their subjects. Students who did their projects on massage therapy, embalming, and refurbishing motorcycles actually took action in these topics. One article stated that students are using Technology like Power Point and video editing software to better the components of their projects.
    • Focus on one project from the articles – “brainstorm” a list of the various steps/components that the student probably had to complete to reach the point of presentation.
    -In one of the articles a student conducted their project on embalming and I think took the following steps toward his project presentation:
    • Researched the topic broadly
    • Found a mentor that was an expert in the field
    • Rigorously studying the techniques used in embalming
    • Chose what he wanted to do for the action section of his presentation
    • Finally presented
    • There are many ideas/concepts conveyed in these articles, which ideas are offered might help your thinking and/or planning for your project?
    -There were a lot of helpful ideas in this article but I think I mainly focus on the ideas involving the action portion of the projects and incorporate some of them into my project. For example, I hope to possibly create a kind of documentary towards the subject I plan on researching, along with some volunteer work.
    -I may also take some of the advice that other students mentioned and use the lessons the schools were trying to embrace like managing their time, staying on top of deadlines, and using a proper deadline system.

  6. 1- The project requirements are good time management, researching the topic, showing you doing the project, present to the judges and the actual project.
    2- Some of the students that have taken their projects beyond the requirements have gone into that profession or tired to study that in college.
    3- For the project about the child abuse, that student probably had to start out researching the topic, like how many children are abused a year, what can be done to help stop it and so on. They might have wanted to ask some people about their opinions on child abuse or possibly asked someone who was abused. She would need to write up her paper with the information that she gathered, show how she did her project and present to the judges.
    4- The time management would help me out a lot, like we were told in 9th grade, we have poor time management.

  7. 1. Some of the things that were required for the graduation project were that it must be presented in front of a group of people that will judge your project. Also another item would be a product that can be shown first hand or a demonstration of something so you can better display the project. Our projects would incorporate the same requirements.

    2. It seems that all the students who did the graduation project took their project above and beyond the call of duty and they did something first hand or did something to explain the project. Although it isn’t required to do this, it is good for the project and it could make it more meaningful.

    3. The student who wanted to become a massage therapist had to study not only the form of the therapy but he also had to explain why it worked and why is it considered a form of therapy. He also had to explain that it was something that he was interested in.

    4. One idea that would help me is to try to bring things in to the presentation that may better explain the topic that can be used first hand and also use some type of demonstration on how things work or what they mean. This could make the presentation go a lot better and it would make it interesting for the judges and me also.

  8. 1. Main requirements mentioned in these articles are things like, responsibility, time management, a research paper, a display about the topic, and a presentation of their topic. Compared to our projects they are about the same, our projects consist of a, topic, a proposal (or plan), action with this project, extreme amounts of time management, and a presentation of all of our work on this project.

    2. In one of the articles, A guy named Chapman wanted to go into massage therapy, he told the judges “I always felt that I had this special touch, I really did want to see if I had the power of touch.” He actually gave his mentor a massage, and explained what he was doing while he was doing the massage.
    They would need to: Research, Involvement, Presentation, Reflection

    3. I cant think of any one of the ideas that will help me with the planning of my project.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. • List the project requirements that the students mentioned in these articles had to meet. Compare them to our project.
    o Recommended that the state require students to complete a culminating project that demonstrates growth in key academic areas as a graduation requirement.
    o The “How” of implementing culminating project requirement is left up to the local distict. Technology is an integral element of every project.
    o Next year Wood River High School plans to require all senior project class for graduation that encourages student to purse a project of interest over a trimester.
    o The class requirement minimum of 25 hour on a project.
    o Presentation also require student to explain why they are prepared to graduate from high school.
    o English IV which is a graduation require.
    • How have the students taken their projects beyond the “research” component to become actively involved?
    o All of these students had took their project way beyond the research by spending more time on the project and going to look at thing
    • Focus on one project from the articles – “brainstorm” a list of the various steps/components that the student probably had to complete to reach the point of presentation.
    o They probably had to brainstorm and see what they like to do when they aren’t in school and look up article and see what they are really about
    • There are many ideas/concepts conveyed in these articles, which ideas are offered might help your thinking and/or planning of your project?
    o This article opened my eyes to see that everyone else picked a subject that they had enjoyed like the boy who did he grad projected on motorcycle.
    • Refer to the handouts in your folder to help you.
    • Post your responses and comments to these articles on the class blog in complete sentences and paragraphs – consider using Microsoft Word to help you correct your spelling/grammar.

  11. 1. The project requires that you research your topic and present it infront of people. Our requirements are the same.
    2. the students went beyond the requirements by bringing in a motorcycle or giving a judge a massage.
    3. The topic with the motorcycle requires study of engines and study how the bike works. He would also need to buy parts for the bike and learn to put them all together.
    4. The thing I will take from the articles is to use good time management.

  12. 1) You need a research paper, work with a mentor who is considered an expert in you area, and demonstrate growth in key academic areas.

    2) One person started in massage therapy and gave one of the judges a massage. Also the person was building bikes to get some hands-on experience.

    3) The person that did the topic of massage therapy. The probably had to take some classes on it and practice those technigues and get a real understanding on what feels good for people.

    4) Pick a topic that you legitimately enjoy doing. Also plan ahead for how you project is going to go and what's gonna be in it. Use your time wisely

  13. In the articles that we read the students had to meet certain requirements to finish their graduation projects. The way we do our projects are diffrent from our way because they only get a certain amount of time that they give them but we get at least two hours. I think that it was a class except for a requirement.

    Even though they had a certain amount of time they went above and beyond. Some one who did their project on message therapy actually gave one of the judges a message and felt really good about what he was doing. Another who was doing his project on motercycles actually took an old bike and fixed it up and it looked like new again.

    The particular article that I liked was the one about the boy who remade the bike. The reason why I like that one was because the process he had to go through to get that done. I think that he had to start his project well before because to fix a rusty bike and make it into a brand new bike is something that takes skills that either he had to learn or already know.

  14. • List the project requirements that the students mentioned in these articles had to meet. Compare them to our project.
    o They then complete a project that includes a research paper, a display board about the topic, a presentation before judges and the creation of a product that relates to their topic.

    • How have the students taken their projects beyond the “research” component to become actively involved?
    o Dishawn Edwards worked with the children

    • Focus on one project from the articles – “brainstorm” a list of the various steps/components that the student probably had to complete to reach the point of presentation.
    o When doing the presentation they list ideas, talked to people about the project.

    • There are many ideas/concepts conveyed in these articles, which ideas are offered might help your thinking and/or planning of your project?
    o The ideas that will help you the most is doing you project in front of the judges.

  15. • List the project requirements that the students mentioned in these articles had to meet. Compare them to our project.
    Includes a research paper, a display board about the topic, a presentation before judges and the creation of a product that relates to their topic.
    • How have the students taken their projects beyond the “research” component to become actively involved?
    Dishawn Edwards went above and beyond the call of duty and actually worked with the children and study them more closely.
    • Focus on one project from the articles – “brainstorm” a list of the various steps/components that the student probably had to complete to reach the point of presentation.
    When doing the presentation Jubal Brown stands beside the 1973 Husqvarna 125 WR motorcycle he completely restored for his senior project. I believe he went above and beyond by actually re building the bike
    • There are many ideas/concepts conveyed in these articles, which ideas are offered might help your thinking and/or planning of your project?
    I believe the motor cycle project to me was the best cause it gave the most original thought, it showed that he had time and patients to do his particular craft .

  16. The project requirements that students around the country are required to follow, I found to be very similar to the ones used at City High. The fundamental set-up is the same, students choose a topic they care about, research it and present it to a panel of judges. Whatever they do, must be in the form of some kind of action or product. It’s not just an extensive research project. Like with our graduation project, other schools present to a panel of complete strangers that are teachers from schools, people working in various businesses, etc. The differences come in with petty things such as we aren’t required to write a report or make a display board. We don’t have mentors to help us with our projects but we do get a lot of support and help from all our teachers. We document our actions with video or photos, write a Literature Review on our background research, write a proposal, write a reflection, blog and create a website.

    Students do more than just research their topics but take it and make something out of it. Jubal Brown took a rusty old motorcycle and refurbished it, making it look like a collector’s item. A boy with dyslexia researched the disease and helped younger local boys who had it. Another massaged his mentor in front of a panel of judges, explaining the technique and science of it as he did. From passions to personal problems to future careers, students are getting so actively involved with their projects because they are topics they care about, are interested in and want to learn more about.

    Steps Jubal Brown Probably had to take to refurbish his motorcycle:
    • Shopped around for a cheap bike to fix up (take picture for documentation)
    • Did research on specific bike, what it’s supposed to look like, how it runs and is put together.
    • Talked to local mechanics, chose mentor.
    • Learned how to take bike apart and fix it.
    • Take time each day to clean up bike. (document with photos)
    • Shop around for cheap parts to replace damaged ones.
    • Put bike back together. (document with photos)
    • Test it to see if it works. (video tape)
    • Take information learned and write a report and speech.
    • Create a display board using information and documentation.
    • Arrange with teacher and school dean/principal on getting bike into classroom day of presenting.
    • Practice presentation by one’s self
    • Practice in front of an audience (classmates, family, etc.)
    Reading these articles made me feel a good deal better about graduation project. For three years I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I didn’t think grad project could be enjoyable. I never viewed it as an opportunity to do what you wanted to do, what you were interested in and passionate about. To me it had always looked like a cruel and unusual punishment. When reading how excited these seniors were about their projects it made me realize that I could be too. I love writing. It is my passion. When the inspiration hits, I cannot stop, ideas flowing from my mind to paper like water. There have been times in the middle of the night when I’d be awoken by new ideas. You’d think there was a snake in my bed how fast I jump out from under the covers to stumble around in the dark for a piece of paper and pencil. While I’ve changed my mind constantly about what career field I want to get into, the idea of becoming an author has never faded away as a sort of side hobby. I’d love to be able to do it full time but there is no guarantee that I’d make good money off of writing novels. I really do like the idea of mentors. I know Ms. Johnson has written and published at least one book before. I’ve been thinking about talking to her for guidance and advice.

  17. Just like us, the students in these different schools choose what project they want to do, and it is a graduation requirement. After the students chose their topic, they find a mentor to learn more about their topic and much complete several parts of their project. A completed grad project consists of a presentation, a creation that relates to the topic, and a display board.
    In order for the student at Weldon to complete his project, I’m sure he had to do several things:
    1. Pick a topic
    2. Research topic
    3. Find a mentor
    4. Become an expert
    5. Prepare a presentation
    6. Present
    The students went above and beyond by doing things like actually giving messages or doing 60 hours of extra work.
    These students chose topics that they are very interested in. I think that the more interested you are in the topic you chose, the better you will do. You’re going to want to do it well and put in the extra effort because it’s something that you want to do.

  18. From reading all three articles, they all seemed to have the same requirements. “Weldon senior shine for judges – give project presentations” requirements involved picking a topic that they are interested in and then taking action by working with a mentor from the community to learn more about their topic. After finishing that they start on the project, which involves a research paper, a display board that shows the information on the topic, a presentation that would also involve a product that comes from your topic. To go on, the other two articles, “A Passion for Projects: Students Have a Voice –and a Choice” and “Senior projects open windows” had the same information when discussing the project requirements. The only difference is that the last two articles expected more. For example it explains that the students are required to make a video/document of what action they took in doing their topic, including all of the information from the first article. Putting all three articles together they are the same as the requirements for City Charter High Schools graduation requirements. One of the main things that stood out to me was taking the extra effort on the projects and taking action.

    In the article A Passion for Projects: Student Have a Voice – and a Choice the studies showed that even the students that were known for slaking a lot did a great job and were taking the extra effort on their graduation project. An example of a student taking the extra effort is Jubal Brown, now his graduation project was on the career that he wanted to pursue. Now from what I read it seems as if he really wanted to be an engineer. Browns topic for his project was fixing and even detailing an old 1973 Husqvarna 125 WR motorcycle and making it look brand new. To make this bike look brand new Brown definitely had to make an extra effort. So what he did was start researching and reading manuals that talk about certain bike parts and even how do it. Ken Heuring was Browns mentor in this project. Together they went out and searched for bike parts, built it, and even added some good painting detail to it. All together he said that it took him 87 hours and 20 minutes to do the project. His father, Rick Brown, said, “It was a labor of love.” That is, in my opinion, an excellent example of true dedication.

    Brain Storm – Important things that Jubal Brown might have thought about for his presentation.
    Things to think about:
    • Who is best to pick as my mentor?
    • Will this person be reliable and a good teacher?
    • Where can I get information on this bike, and how to fix it?
    • Estimating, how many hours will this whole project take?
    • I must go above and beyond for this project.
    • I need to show the judges of how serious I am about this project.
    • What areas can I get new parts that fit this bike from?
    Those are some of the questions and statements, by brainstorming, that I think Brown was thinking about.

    Many of the ideas that are offered to me that can help my thinking for my graduation project is thinking about the part that starts off my graduation project, TOPIC OF INTEREST! Now the topic of interest for me is Electric Maintenance. Now when I start on this project, and start thinking of how I can take action on it, I feel that everything will just flow. One of the things that will encourage me to take the extra effort in my project is thinking about Jubal Brown and how he took the extra effort when working with his motorcycle. Other than that, some of my ideas are going to Triangle Tech and maybe setting up an interview with someone to get more feedback on Electric Maintenance. That is just one of my ideas, but more is to come.

  19. Article One:
    1. Each of these students at this school had to first come up with a project that really interested them either as a hobby, profession, or just a personal interest. They then had to meet their mentor and work with them to come up with an action plan. Over the next several months the kids would follow through with their action plan by researching, taking action of some sort, documenting what they did, coming up with their presentation, and finally presenting. Our project is very similar except for the mentor. We have to choose a topic, make a plan, take an action, make a presentation, and then finally present.
    2. These students have gone beyond the research project by becoming actively involved in their project. One kid made a sculpture of a cat, another one gave a massage, and finally the third took the weird approach to embalm a dog and walk you through the steps.
    Article Three:
    1. In this article the students were now required to complete a culminating project over the course of their high school experience. They didn’t really described the requirements, but teachers needed to be certified, rubrics needed to be created, and the students, along with research, needed to take an action as well. Also they had to use technology in some way. All of these requirements are very similar to our own.
    Article Two:
    1. Jubal Brown joined a class offered at his school that allowed students to pick a topic of their choice and do an in depth research project in which it includes a research project and an action or task to complete. Jubal Brown first decided to refurbish a motorcycle, and his next task was to find a mentor within the community. They then began to completely refurbish the entire motorcycle and repaint it. The students are required to have25 hour minimum, but Jubal Brown went beyond and spent 87 hours. This course teaches you responsibility and how to apply solutions to real world problems.
    2. For Jubal Brown he took his project beyond research by actually refurbishing a motorcycle and painting it as well. This way instead of learning about it, he actually learned how to do it, as well as gained experience, which I believe is the best way to remember something. He also was able to turn it into a presentation and not just a report by taking these actions and creating some sort of presentation either by PowerPoint or some sort of poster board.
    3. I am going to choose Jubal Brown from the second article. I think he would of first had to of choose his topic as well as thoroughly researched it. Then he looked up maybe mechanics or motorcycle shops in his region. He then would have contacted them until he found one that was willing to work with him as much as possible. Soon the probably met up and inspected the bike as well as discussed the plans for the refurbish and picked parts and colors out and possibly order them. Once they received the parts I would think that they would start removing the old parts and either fixing or replacing them, and continued for the next 90 hours over the span of the three months. At the end Jubal would have put together a presentation and finally presented it in front of the panel of judges.
    4. I think the ideas that helped me the most from these articles was when the first one talked about how the girl did a project on child abuse because I’m hoping to do a project on children as well. Also the idea that the guy did one on art and for his action and made a sculpture of a cat, because I didn’t realize you could do something so simple, I think I was thinking far too in depth and didn’t really realize I could just do like a hobby and still get a good grade.

  20. 1. In the first article I read they students had the same freedom we have with the graduation project to pick a topic you would like to do it on. They also had to write a research paper, and present it in front of a panel.
    2. The student in the first article did take the research up and beyond, because he really wanted to do what is project was about in college and precede it as a career. Time management, research, personal growth and goal setting
    3. Working independently, taking it seriously, making sure their facts were right and they knew them well. Time management, research, personal growth and goal setting

  21. 1. “Weldon seniors shine for judges - give project presentations”
    • The requirements that some of the students mentioned in this article were choosing a topic and researching it, finding a mentor related to this topic, completing a research paper and presentation, and then creating a product relating to their topic. This is very similar to our project but we don’t have to get a mentor and their product is more like our action.
    • One of the students to his project past the research component by giving a massage to the judges. His topic was on massage therapy and during his presentation he gave the judges and his mentor a massage. While another student had a topic on early childhood education and she got involved by working with children.
    • One of the projects from the first article was massage therapy and some steps probably were:
    o Research the topic and find a mentor in his area
    o Talk to his mentor about what he wants his project to be about
    o Research everything about massage therapy
     What it really does or how it really works?
     Why people get massages?
     And other good questions
    o Design a proposal and write a research report on everything he found
    o Create a presentation and brainstorm ideas for his product
    o Practice massaging, which was his product
    o Present his project.
    • One of the main ideas portrayed in this article was to stay focused. This helps me think about my project, and that whatever I do it should be interesting so that I don’t get bored and lose focus.

    2. “Senior projects open windows”
    • The requirements listed in this article were that the student had to do research relating to his topic, find a mentor in their area, doing the project and then presenting it in front of the panel. This is also very similar to our graduation project, except in this case they got to decide whether of not they wanted to do it.
    • The student in this article took his project past just research by actually refurbishing a motorcycle. It took him a long time to get the old thing running like new, but he did it, with the help of his mentor.
    • Some steps that this student took could have been:
    o Research the topic and find a mentor in his area
    o Talk to his mentor on what needs to be done and what he wants to do.
    o Research everything about his project
    o Complete the refurbishing of the motorcycle.
    o Create a presentation.
    o Present his project.
    • The only idea conveyed in this article that is going to help me is that to make sure you pick something that you really like to do. Not only will it make the whole process easier, but it’d make it fun and interesting so that you stay focused.

    3. “A Passion for Projects: Students Have a Voice -- and a Choice”
    • The requirements from this article where to pick a project, research it, find a mentor, make a presentation and something to go a long with it like a video or pictures, and then present it in front of a panel. This is very similar to our own graduation project except that we don’t really get a mentor.
    • They didn’t really talk about one project in particular, but it did mention a few, without many details. It said that one student made an engine out of Plexiglas, and actually creating it took his project past just researching.
    • Since they didn’t mention one specific project, there really can’t be any brainstorming done of what they did for this article. Although, they didn’t list a project, I’m sure if they did, the requirements would have been the same.
    • The only idea shown in this article that is going to help me is that to make sure you pick something that you’re really passionate about and that will keep you interested in it.

  22. 1. “Weldon seniors shine for judges – give project presentation”
    • Some of the requirements that the students have to go through are that they have to choose a topic that they are interested in. Once they do that then they work with a mentor from the community to learn more about their topic. They then complete a project that includes a research paper, a display board about the topic, a presentation before the judges and the creation of a product that relates to their topic. High school student’s start working on their graduation project their senior year. The seniors spend a semester working on a senior project through their English IV class. This school has different requirements than City High. We start our graduation project our junior year. We do not need a mentor from the community to learn about out topic. At City High we do not have to a display board and we don’t have to have a creation but we do have to document our actions.
    • When the students got a mentor in the field, they learned how to do certain things. Donald Chapman learned how to give a massage. Rashod Dildy took art classes and made a sculpture. Steven Brickell learned about the tools and how to embalm an animal and he made a video of him embalming a dog.
    • Donald Chapman Steps:
    i. He had to pick a topic. (Massage therapy)
    ii. Find a mentor that relates to his topic.
    iii. Learn about his topic. (Massage therapy/human body)
    iv. Learn how to properly give a massage.
    v. Had to write a paper.
    vi. Make a display bored.
    vii. Practice how he was going to present his information.
    • In this article they mentioned a topic that I was somewhat interested in, Italian cooking. The reason that I became interested in this topic was because I am Italian and the whole said of my family on my dad’s side is Italian. I was going to learn how to cook Italian food and my aunts would be able to help me because the one aunt that I have is actually from Italy and the other ones know some Italian recipes. Another idea that I liked was how the students actual brought something in to show the panel or gave a demonstration on their topic. I was thinking about maybe bringing in something that I learned how to cook and give it to the panel.
    2. “Senior projects open windows”
    • The requirements for Wood River High School Senior Project, they require that every student has a mentor. The students have to find a mentor in the community that is an expert in the field that the student wants to learn about. The class requires a minimum of 25 hours that have to be spent on the project. Also the students have to explain why they are prepared to graduate from high school. City High does not require you to have a mentor and there is no minimum about of time that you have to spend on it either.
    • Jubal Brown researched his topic to learn more about it. Once he knew the more information about his topic he then began to find parts to build a bike. After he had the parts he then started to build his bike.
    • Jubal Brown Steps:
    i. Had to pick a topic (Motorcycle)
    ii. Researched the topic (Original advertisements, race reports and owner’s manuals)
    iii. Had to find parts to build a motorcycle
    iv. One he had the parts he had to build the motorcycle
    • In this article I liked how Jubal Brown restored a bike. The reason I like that idea was because I like doing hand on projects. I think building things or making things are fun. Also maybe finding someone that has experience in the field that I want to do my graduation project on might be able to really help me.
    3. “A Passion for Projects: Students Have a Voice – and a Choice”
    • The students have to complete a culminating project that demonstrates growth in key academic areas as a graduation requirement. The students also have to use technology in their project. City High does not require you to use technology but you are going to end up using technology. The reason being is that you need some kind of evidence either videotaping or taking pictures.
    • This article is really not talking about any students. They did mention that a whole class designed something.
    • There were no students in this article.
    • I like the idea of how they are going to film the experience that they went through. I might not film the experience I go through but I use filming for something else, like making a short movie.

  23. 1. In these articles they had to have a research paper, a display board about the topic, a presentation that they had to show to the judges and the creation of the product that relates to their topic. They required a senior class project, and they had to pursue an interest, just like with ours how we have to find a project that best fits our career choice or interest.
    2. The kids would give messages to the judges, another did pottery, and another kid showed how to embalm a dog. They worked on motorcycles to show he wanted to be a mechanic.
    3. When the boy was going to embalm a dog, he probably had to practice several times, with minor animals. When he put the bike together, he probably had to look for certain parts to put on the bike, also knowing where to put the parts once you get them.
    4. I think bringing in an example of what I want to from what all the other kids did in this article will help me. Building the bike made me think of working with animals like what a nurse would do with them.

  24. Weldon Seniors Shine for Judges
    Project Requirements:
    • Students pick a topic that they are interested in for example asthma, small engines, and cooking. Then they have to work with a mentor of the community to help them with their project. Their project must include a research paper, display board about the topic and a presentation before judges, and create a project that has to do with their subject.
    • To become actively involved the student project was about giving a massage. They gave a massage in front of the panel to their mentor who was a massage therapist after he explained what a massage did for your muscular system and gave them one to demonstrate what he was talking about.
    • To complete this project I think that the student had to first after he picked his subject he had to learn about the different muscular systems to know what he was talking about. He then had to find a mentor who knew a lot about this subject. Finally the mentor had to teach them how to give a massage and teach them more things about the muscular system that they didn’t possibly know. I believe that this may have taken a lot of time to do.
    • Something that I think I will be able to take from this project is the consistence and time that it would take to get done with this project. Also do a good job on it this means that if I put in the time I would be able to do anything for my project.

    Student Projects open Windows
    Project Requirements:
    • Student’s pick a topic from their career interest, hobbies, who give presentations to a panel of judges after 12 weeks into the first trimester. The principal called it a learning stretch for the children they say the purpose was to “take learning they had in the past and add to it.” This compared to City high is very similar but instead of a whole week we have 11th and 12th grade years. They also need a mentor to help them during the project. The presentation also requires the student to tell why he is ready to graduate from high school.
    • This guy turned a messed up motorcycle into a real piece of art. He researched the suppliers for where he could buy the parts at. Next he worked with Ken Heuring an owner of Beyond Repair of Ketchum to help him restore the bike. He repainted and rebuilds the entire bike he spent 85 hours and 20 minutes on rebuilding his bike.
    • Something I am taking from this guys project is the anticipation and the way that he went with the project and just flowed

  25. Some of the requirements that are mentioned in these articles were that some of them had a minimum number of hours that they had to spend on there topic. For instance, Weldon High School seniors had to spend a minimum of 25 hours on their topic. In some sort of way they had to prove that they had an action plan whether they took pictures or even brought their mentor.

  26. 1. The project requirements that the students mentioned was they had to research their topic. They still had to display the topic in front of and panel. They spent many hour in class working with their topic those are the similarity because we have to do those thing as well. The difference from our project to there is students must also demonstrate why they are prepared to graduate from high school in their presentations and, some students are encouraged to find mentors that can guide and help them with their project.

    2. Student have be actively involved in their project because they are some into their project, they think it some interesting make them want to get deep into their project. For example the student Jubal Brown rebuilt himself an entire motorcycle. Only had to spent an minimum of 25 hours an did 87 hours I think because your able to pick an topic that interest you.
    3. The project is Stephen Brickell his project steps he would have to take to reach the point of presentation would be. Find a topic of interest that he found good enough too do as a project which was the Funeral Business. Then he would have to research an understand what the Funeral Business is all about. This could also be a time where he finds his mentor to ehlp him get started with his project. Brickell would then need to have a design his project so he could propose his idea and have his layout accepted to work on. Afterwards Stephen would need to start to actually design his project and put it into the making. Along with this he would start gathering his setup for his presentation. Finally, Brickell would present his project to his panel showing his video and talking about his research and explain what he has done and how it has influenced him.
    4. The main ideas of the articles are being to help you figure out how to choose a topic. It helps me with my folder because it shows me how the graduation project works.

  27. 1. For the first I love the idea of how he gave the judges messages, and how he organized his information, but he also had made sure that it was just not about the messages. It was about people having back problems and not being able to walk properly and being able to function.
    2. The second article was about how getting assistance into the graduation project, is the most important as well. When trying to start your project you want to be able to relate to you topic and being able to find some connection and relate to the subject.
    3. They take the history of graduation projects and how the idea came out all the way back to the 1020 with Washington, the though of a graduation project just shouldn’t be, just a thing you do to graduate high school. It should be a taste. Of what you need to prepare yourself for real life and how, you need to be more responsible in what career field you go into.

  28. 1. Project Requirements
    • Choose a subject that interest the student
    • Demonstrates growth in certain academic areas
    • Presented amongst a panel of judges by video, written report or whatever chosen.
    • Wood River High requires you work with a mentor
    • A minimum number of hours.
    2. Gathered information by going to an actual person or business that relates to the subject to get more insight.
    3. Step 1: Found topic of interest.
    Step 2: Research the topic
    Step 3: Take action= Jubal Brown refurbished a motorcycle with the help of a mentor
    Step 4: Collected and researched bike parts while working with Ken Heuring owner of Beyond Repair of Ketchum.
    4.In the article “Weldon seniors shine for judges” Bryanan Cadena talked about shaking baby and fetal syndromes. Her project gives me an idea on what I want to do.

  29. 1- The project requirements time management showing you doing the project show to the judges the itself project.
    2- students that have took there projects (the requirements) and have gone into that profession to study that in college.
    3- the child abuse project, that student had to research there topic in good depth to figure it out completely, for example the amount of times it has happened.
    Or what could stop the on going problem of child abuse . They could of gone to someone that is an expert about child abuse like a cop or a therapist.
    Or actually could of gone to a victim of chilld abuse. she would of had to write a paper on this. Reporting her findings and the evidence behind there opinions. And
    then acutally present to the judges. Which to me is the easiest part of the entire graduation project,
    4- To me the one thing what is most important. Is tracking your time. Knowing when to do what. Like keeping track of
    what you are doing and when you should move on to the next step. You cant focus on something and than lack on everything eslse.

  30. 1. For the most part, the project requirements mentioned in the articles are similar to the project requirements that we have. In the first article, “Weldon Seniors Shine for Judges”, the students had to present their projects to a panel of community judges, and had one semester to work on the projects which expand their thinking and introduces them to the real world. The students must choose a topic of their interest and then work with a mentor from their community to learn about the topic. The project consists of a research paper, a display board about the topic, a presentation to the panel, and a product of their topic. In the second article, “Senior Projects Open Windows”, the projects requirements aren’t that different from those mentioned in the first article. Students complete a project on a topic of interest over a trimester of twelve months. Then they present their projects to a panel of judges from the local community. In the article “A Passion for Projects: Students Have a Voice -- and a Choice” the project requirements were exactly the same.
    2. The students mentioned in the article took their projects to heart and immersed themselves into the project. One student, who has an affinity for motorcycles, restored a classic one. He was only required to spend a minimum of twenty five hours on the project; he spent over eighty two hours working on it. Another student who has a passion for child abuse victims got so involved that she is considering a career in social work. One student spent his project embalming humans and animals. He is pursuing a career in the funeral business. These students really loved what they were doing. They got involved in areas that were not even required.
    3. The topic that I am going to focus on is the restoration of a classic motorcycle
    a. He would have to own the motorcycle.
    b. He would have to purchase all the materials needed with his own money.
    c. He would have to find instructions to restore and repair it.
    d. He would have to restore and repair it
    4. There are many ideas that I have gotten from these three articles. The students chose topics that meant a great deal to them, they were not topics they were just interested in; they were topics they had a true passion for. It is important to choose a topic that you will benefit from; you have to get something out of it. That is what I want to do. My project is going to be one of the many personal experiences that I look back and reflect upon thinking how much I enjoyed doing it.

  31. In these articles that we have read their were alot of requirments mention that the students in the schools had to meet. These requirments went from researqching all the way to getting out and taking some action. Many student were expected to work together to work through some pretty tough problems, explain why they are prepared to graduate from high school, complete a culminating prject that demonstrates grwoth in key academic areas,Students also required them to explain how everything was built and how everything works. Their are many requirments that are expexted from the senior student. These requirments really compare to the ones we are facing as srudents of city high although it seems like we have more. Not only do we have to get out and "DO" we have to try to make a difference and to get something out of this project. It seems like we are really doing this project for the long run for our future not to just graduate. Mostly all the students from the articles i read had taken thier project beyond The research process. Their were many ideas and things they did. Like one student had rebuilt and repainted the whole entire motorcycle he spent 87 hours and 20 minutes on the project when he was only required to spend only 25 hours. Another student Focused his project on massage therapy he not only researched massage therapy but he also learnd how to massaege and he demonstrated on one of the judges.I also plan to go above and beyond when taking my project beyond the research process. Their were many steps that the students had to reach while doing this project like

  32. The students in these articles are exceedingly similar to the requirements that we have in for our projects. The students in the articles have to complete a graduation project in order to graduate the high school. Furthermore, each student has a panel of judges in the community to examine the project that the student came up with. Just like City High’s requirements the students can chose any subject they want to work on like sports or issue in the world or that they have went through in their lives. The students in these articles also compare to our requirements is that they also have classes that help the students with the projects and they are assigned mentors to help them also.

    The students have taken their projects just beyond the research was by doing a project that they actually wanted to do as a career and acting it out when the presented there projects. For example, A boy named Weldon wanted to do his senior project on massage therapy because that is what he wants to do in the working field so with doing the presentation he gave massages to the judges. Another example was a boy named Rashad Didly wanted to a project on sculpting because that’s what he wants to do for his career field so he made a sculpture of his cat. Another example is a boy named Steven Brickell who wanted to rebuild a motorcycle from getting the parts for 87 hours and 20 minutes on a minimum or 24 hours. The steps that Weldon had to take to do his project for massage therapy was that he wanted to give a demonstration of giving a massage so he thought of doing one for his presentation. He talked it over with his mentor so that he could have some feedback before he completes his project. He researched his subject cautiously so he could get the information right before he goes to the panel.
    The main ideas and concepts of these articles are about how these seniors were not just interested about their topic but had a passion for it and wanted to pursue there topic when they go off to college. It also talks about their motivation in the subject and how they were determined to complete their assignments, also they had mentors to help them along the way so they wont be alone on the project.

  33. • List the project requirements that the students mentioned in these articles had to meet. Compare them to our project.

    Pick a topic, meet with a mentor about it, a research paper, a display board, presentation, and creating a product that relates to their product. – “Weldon Seniors Shine”

    Picking a topic, finding a mentor in the community, at least 25 hours on the project, and a presentation – “Senior Projects Open Windows”

    “…mastery of reading, writing, and communication; knowing and applying the core concepts of math, the social, physical, and life sciences…”- “A Passion for Projects: Students Have a Voice – and a Choice”

    • How have the students taken their projects beyond the “research” component to become actively involved?

    Massaging everyone, a clay sculpture, embalming a dog, and creating a brochure – “Weldon Seniors Shine”

    Jubal Brown restored a 1973 Husqvarna 125 WR motorcycle, he put 87 hours and 20 minutes into the project. – “Senior Projects Open Windows”

    • Focus on one project from the articles – “brainstorm” a list of the various steps/components that the student probably had to complete to reach the point of presentation.

    Weldon Seniors Shine: Steven Brickell – Embalming
    Finding places that will teach him
    More Research
    More Research
    A video
    Wrapping it all up

    Senior Projects Open Windows: Jubal Brown – Restoring a Bike
    Finding a Mentor
    Finding the bike parts needed
    Building the Bike
    Presenting what he learned

    • There are many ideas/concepts conveyed in these articles, which ideas are offered might help your thinking and/or planning of your project?
    The students in “Weldon Seniors Shine” had to find a mentor and create a product, while we don’t have to. We have to find somewhere to base our topic off of and get the information from, and the creating a product is our choice from what are topic was. While students in “Senior Projects Open Windows” had to have a minimum of 25 hours spent on their projects, as far as I know we don’t have a set time.

    Thing I’m considering is I know I’m going to be spending hours, days, and even weeks on my project. Along with a product would be great for my presentation.

  34. Rickea Cox
    The Graduation project teaches the following skills time management, research, personal growth and goal setting. The students really engaged their time out to understand their project better. When the students picked their own topic they put more time and effort about the graduation project. Reading the articles the students plan all the information in steps so I decide to follow that path.

  35. 1.)They had to achieve a minimum amount of time spent working on their project as well as having a mentor to help and to guide the student in what they were trying to achieve and or answer. They also had to have a finished project with an answer to their question(s)
    2.)Some of the students start giving out massages as part of the massage therapy project that they were doing thus providing evidence of understanding the project. some students spent many, many hours refurbishing a vintage bike to a now pristine version of what was once a rumpled piece of rust.
    3.)You must acquire a topic, they are interested in. Then come up with a question to focused on. After which you should find a proper mentor with who they could actively participate with and ask questions of. You must also work their way to answering the question or revise the question to what would be a more suitable question. Then actively participate in the project to find the answer. Finally present the finished project to a panel of judges.
    4.)What people found of interest and how that what you may originally think you may want to do your project on may change and instead of doing something in the complete opposite direction. Such as wanting to do something with technology and going off in the direction of the properties of the aero dynamics of motorcycles. As it may provide you with a new view on what you may have thought of before as boring.

  36. Some grad projects need to include a research paper, display board, a product that relates to their topic and they then have to present it.
    Some students did take their projects and became actively involved in them. One kid actually rebuilt an entire motorcycle, and one student gave a judge a massage. Both of those probably got them a lot of bonus points because they went above average work.
    Some steps they had to go through were choosing a topic, research, managing their time, setting goals, and finding a mentor.
    I think that after reading these articles, I’m pretty sure I have no idea how I want to present my project. I was thinking of how I could do an actual demonstration, but I’m not sure if I’d be allowed to bring a kid to school with me.

  37. 1. Project Requirement: Students choose a topic they are interested in, and then they get a whole semester working on a senior project through their English IV class, which is a graduation requirement, in order to expand their thinking and introduce them to the real world.
    2. How students taken their project beyond the “research”: One of the students Chapman’s did his grad project on how to give therapist by giving massage. He explains how people usually get massage for relaxation to ease pain or for rejuvenation. He went above and beyond with his project; by giving his mentor a massage ask he explain what he was doing to the group of judges sitting right in front of him.
    3. “Brainstorm” a list of the various steps that students probably had to complete to reach:
    - He did a lot of Research
    - He probably had to figure out what he wanted to do for a graduations project
    - Find a mentor and learning for them a little more about the field you are working in
    - Take notes and make a funny and presentable project
    4. Which ideas are offered might help your thinking and/or planning of your project: From reading this article, some of this article who talk about senior plans for the grad-project and some stuff the are interesting in, is happening me to figure out what I really want to do. I want to learn more. I want to do more research about abuse and see what field I want to stay focused on.

  38. 1. The project requirements that the students mention where to show what they did was do a report related to their topic and then show what they have learned to a board of people what their topic is about and physically show what they learned
    2. The students took their projects beyond the research was by actually doing and experiencing their topic.
    3. First you can figure out your project then find ways to research the topic more, second see if there is more of a way to explain and experience their project, then write down note and put all the notes together and form their project from that.

    4. Ideas and concepts in the article are all ideas that the students feel strongly about and want to find out more and also teach others about their interest.
