Thursday, January 15, 2009

Next Steps

3 things are due on Friday, January 16th (or Tuesday January 20th if no school on Friday) on a Microsoft Word document:
  1. identified topic
  2. Essential Project Question
  3. First 10 web sites which will offer background information (this should be a list of web titles that are hyperlinked

Next step: Start getting an understanding of your topic - Read through the websites you've collected

Graduation Project Key Terms:

  • Generate a list of 10-15 key terms that have to do with your graduation project.
  • These terms could be important words necessary for a full understanding of your topic, unfamiliar terms that are part of a special vocabulary, and/or jargon/specialized terminology related to your topic.
  • Write a complete definition for each of your terms.
  • Post the list of words/definitions to your blog - (Add a gadget)

Foundation Questions - question your topic and your essential question - what questions do you need to ask to help you answer your Essential Question? Try starting with a simple 'What is....? question. You need to develop about 10 Foundation Questions.

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